Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Remember whens-day - not cabbage patch

I was sitting here thinking about some of the dolls I had as a kid. Of course there were cabbage patch dolls and barbies, but what about the weird ones? Did you all have any of these?

Oh and Barbie and the rockers are in here for pure awesomeness. I mean, look at the outfits!! And the hair!! Boss.

So we have Rose Petal Place- a diamond was created from a tear or something. Thanks Autumn for helping me remember that a couple of months ago! They had to contend with a spider. Sweet Secrets- didn't they have lip gloss in them? I can't remember. And Dancerella- she had this crown on her head that looked like a juicer and you would pump the center up and down like a top and she would spin and twirl. That stupid thing never worked.

Any other obscure fads in the doll world you all remember? And no Jem. They were popular. For whatever reason...


  1. I LOVED Rose Petals! And i remember "charmkins" or something like that. They were tiny little things.

    1. I remember those! I can't imagine how much money our parents wasted on stuff like that! Oh wait...yes I can!!!

  2. I totally have three of the five Barbie and the Rockers (the three in the front in your pic). And, one even came with a music tape that I listened to over, and over, and over, and over, and over . . .

    Thanks for the memories!
