I remember riding in my parents' station wagon one time with my mom, standing on the front seat, of course. Pretty sure we were on our way to Buster Brown's or McCrory's or something like that. We went around a curve and the door flew open. My mom reached over and yanked the door shut, effectively keeping the air conditioning inside. I think she asked me to sit down after that, but I'm not sure.
My brother and I also used to ride in the "way back" of that same car, jumping up when we went over hills and rolling into the tailgate when mom hit the brakes. To this day my mom will throw her arm across the passenger seat when she hits the brakes, obviously saving the life of anyone sitting there. She has a super strong right arm.
WTH Mom!?!! Did you already have something strapped to the roof and we couldn't ride up there? You didn't want to mess with roller skates and a rope? I know these were different times but wasn't there some type of seat we could sit in?

Now, ours was brown with the fake brown wood panel stuff, but this is close enough. My parents loved it so much, they bought the same one twice! I think the second one had seatbelts in the back. Good memories...not really.
Ha! Love it... and is it really so different than us risking our precious lil Chris Craig's life with him bouncing around in the back of the Ford Explorer on the bumpy road in Charles Town? And now he's all grown up and gettin' married. Time flies!
ReplyDeleteTooottttallllyy different! He signed a waiver! Ah memories! Hill hoppin on back roads is always awesome, no matter how old you are! I can't believe he's old enough to get married. So unbelievably happy for him though!
DeleteThis cracked me up. We used to ride in the 'way back' of my parents station wagon, where we would make signs to show to the cars behind us. Usually just 'honk if you can read this' or something. Also, riding in the way back of the station wagon is why I hate Blow Pops - I was riding back there, eating one as we went over a curvy mountain road, and I got sick. Jenny and I also used to fight over who got to sit on the arm rest between the two seats in the front. WTH?
ReplyDeleteThe fun was all over in the late 80's when someone realized we should be wearing seatbelts. The good 'ol days....
Lol! My brother and I used to pretend we were dying or see if we could make peopele believe we were robots. We thought for sure a fellow motorist would flag our parents down and we would all laugh at what clever children we were!
DeleteThe arm rest was def. prime real estate! But these are the people who let us play with lead and eat red dye and all that. We shouldn't be surprised .